WMDD's Proposal

Item #: WMDD's Proposal

Object Class: Keter

Laconic Containment Procedures: Continue with Project Palisade.

Laconic Description: A universe-destroying entity referred to as "THE WORM" that goes through the multiverse eating realities. The Foundation has organized Project Palisade to create countless "shield" realities around the base universe.

An unidentified editor talks back at the article's points from a series of footnotes, saying that the Foundation's sacrifice of an untold number of lives is unforgivable, and even apologizes to you, the reader, saying you are in a shield universe.

Additional Context: The WMDD Proposal is a part of the Team "It's a Beautiful Day in This Neighborhood" canon for the Doomsday Contest. A series of Project Palisade Tales and G.o.I. documents are available.

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