Mobile Task Forces are Task Forces designated to do foundation duties for the smooth functioning of the foundation and to make sure all anomalies are contained.
All the Task forces are:
Red Right Hand - This task force is designated as the Foundation's most loyal operatives and reports directly to the O5 Council and is used in situations that require strict operational security.
Pony Express - This task force is undercover agents acting as employees of postal services and tracks anomalies sent by postal and delivery services.
Last Hope - This task force is designated to train humanoid SCPs in the field.
Nine Tailed Fox - Nine Tailed Fox acts as internal security for the Foundation and is under command of Red Right Hand. They are usually used to handle containment breaches. Most of their operations are classified.
Hammer Down - Hammer Down is a battalion strength force that comprises of soldiers, armored vehicles, tanks, helicopters, combat engineers, nuclear weaponry, etc. They are used for site-wide containment breaches, enemy compromise or suspected catastrophic events.
Cythereans - A Mobile Task Force that has been sent to Venus in order to establish Foundation bases there, as well as find anomalies on Venus. The only anomaly spotted by them so far is SCP-2474.
Samsara - Immortal cyborg troopers with technologically advanced weaponry. They are used to take down magical, psionic, and thaumatargic threats.
Birdwatchers - This task force deals with anomalies that are airborne, most often avian.
Fire Eaters - This task force uses incendiary weapons in high-temperature locations.
Village Idiots - This task force deals with anomalies located in towns and villages.
Front Runners This task force is made up of undercover agents present in other GoI who attempt to acquire anomalies possessed by said GoI.
Deep Feeders - This task force deals with ocean-based anomalies.
Red Herrings - This task force distributes false information to the public concerning anomalies in an attempt to cover up the truth.
Maz Hatters - This task force deals with biological, chemical or radioactive-based anomalies.
Highest Bidders - This task force deals with the GoI, Marshall, Carter & Dark Ltd., consisting of undercover agents and specialists, attempting to acquire anomalous objects in MC&D's possession.
Evolved from Naturally Occurring Gears, Levers and Pulleys - This task force deals with the GoI, Church of the Broken God.
Ghostbusters - This task force deals with ghost-based anomalies.
Home Improvement - This task force deals with anomalous buildings and homes.
Mole Rats - This task force deals with anomalies located underground or in tightly enclosed locations.
Jäeger Bombers - This task force deals with Large-Scale Aggressors (anomalies over 30m in height).
See No Evil - This task force deals with the containment of visual cognitohazards and memetic hazards.
Savage Beasts - This task force deals with music-based anomalies and auditory cognitohazards.
Asimov's Lawbringers - This task force deals with the GoI, Anderson Robotics.
Castaways - This task force assists and monitors the GoI, Wilson Wildlife Solutions.
Damn Feds - This task force is comprised of agents that are undercover in various law enforcement agencies and transfer power to the Foundation when necessary.
Skynet - This task force deals with computer-based anomalies.
White Rabbits - This task force deals with traversing unstable reality and containing reality-bending items and persons.
Pest Control - This task force deals with vermin-based anomalies.
One Star Reviewers - This task force deals with retail and restaurant-based anomalies.
Debuggers - This task force deals with tracking electronic-based anomalies.
The Dream Team - This task force deals with containing entities known as Oneiroi.
City Slickers - This task force deals with anomalies located in city environments.
The Professors - This task force deals with the GoI, Alexylva University.
Technical Support - This task force handles computer security for the Foundation.
Bibliographers - This task force deals with exploring and understanding the Wanderers' Library.
Sixteen Tons - This task force is comprised of members from Foundation GoI.
The Silencers - This task force deals with anomalies that have to do with reanimating corpses.
Ará Orún - This task force is made up of deceased Foundation members who protect the living.
Pandora's Box - This task force dealt with anomalous humanoid entities and using them in the field.
Achilles' Heels - This task force is made up of alternate universe foundation members who can bend reality.
Law's Left Hand - This task force is the personal Mobile Task Force of the SCP Foundation's Ethics Committee; deployed when Foundation personnel are shown to have violated their implemented regulations.
Angle Grinders - This task force deals with anomalies that violate geometrical normality.
Abyss Gazers - This task force works in close connection with the United Nations Global Occult Coalition (UNGOC) and is tasked with combating in unconventional warfare.