
Item #: SCP-914

Object Class: Safe

Laconic Special Containment Procedures: With approval, all foundation staff can run tests with SCP-914 to gather data. No biological organisms or explosives are allowed to be tested.

Laconic Description: SCP-914 is a giant clockwork machine with two booths labeled "Input" and "Output" with a single dial in between them. Items placed inside the Input booth will be "refined" by the machine according to the settings and come out as a new product in the Output booth. The dial in the middle has five settings that control the outcome of whatever is sent through the machine:

  • Rough: Completely destroys the item, often rendering it to dust or some other way that's usually not recoverable.
  • Coarse: Cleanly and efficiently dismantles or dissects items, separating them into their base components.
  • 1:1: Replaces item with another, similar item, usually of the same size and design.
  • Fine: Improves item, rarely with with anomalous properties.
  • Very Fine: Improves item to a greater extent, often with anomalous properties.

Additional Context: SCP-914 is part of the SCP Heritage collection.

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