
Item #: SCP-697

Object Class: Euclid

Laconic Containment Procedures: Keep barrels of SCP-697 in a steel-lined underground vault and kill anyone who tries to get in without permission. Each barrel should be separately sealed in titanium. Don't take too many of them out of the titanium boxes at a time, and never let any of them go off-site. If any SCP-697 spills, quarantine a big area around the spill.

Laconic Description: SCP-697 are barrels full of an alien chemical that creates alien "plants" that breathe out a poisonous gas containing argon and cobalt.

The only way to destroy them is to burn them while dumping neon gas over them. If left to themselves after a spill, they can spread, gradually killing all Earth life around them. Eventually, they'd probably overrun the entire planet.

We don't know who made this stuff or why, and right now we're finding a new barrel of it about every 3 weeks.

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