Item #: SCP-239
Object Class: Keter
Laconic Containment Procedures: SCP-239 must be kept inside a telekill-coated cell with a bed, an ECG machine, and a drip filled with pentobarbital mixed in daily. Foundation personnel shall refer to SCP-239 as a witch.
Laconic Description: SCP-239 is an eight years old child named Sigurrós Stefánsdóttir. She is a powerful reality-bender able to do pretty much whatever she wants (Teleport people, transform people, etc …) whose powers telekill can block. The Foundation has told her she is a witch to control her. In light of Incident 239-B, where Dr. Clef tried to terminate SCP-239, she's kept in an artificial coma indefinitely.
Additional Context: SCP-231 is part of the SCP Heritage collection.