Cross-SCP Termination Testing for SCP-682
SCP-682 is almost practically immortal and killing SCP-682 almost always results in failure. There are many attempts to kill it so here is the list of them.
Item: SCP-017
Tissue Test Record:
SCP-017 swallowed it with no affects.
Termination Test Record:
SCP-017 approached SCP-682, SCP-682 roared so loud it damaged the audio equipment while 017 stood in the corner and 682 tried to escape.
Item: SCP-063
Tissue Test Record:
Sample eradicated. No traces above molecular level remain.
Termination Test Record:
SCP-063 was attached to a spinning arm and put inside the area where SCP-682 is kept. At first, it seemed to work a little, as SCP-682 lost more than 20% of its body weight, but then it started regenerating and the damage was reversed. The newly grown tissues were not affected by SCP-063's power to destroy things. SCP-682 destroyed the arm that was holding SCP-063 and then SCP-063 made a hole in the ground of the enclosure and went underground. Later, SCP-063 was found and retrieved. SCP-682 managed to extend one of its long, flexible limbs through the hole and hurt two security guards before it was put back in containment.
Item: SCP-162
Tissue Test Record:
Sample entangled without incident
Termination Test Record: SCP-682 was exposed to SCP-162. 682 started thrashing violently, roaring, and swearing at the staff. SCP-682 was entangled with SCP-162, causing severe trauma. After four minutes, SCP-682 breaks free, severing its lower jar and left hind limb. SCP-682 escapes, kills 11, and injures 86. SCP-162 removed during containment. Two deaths occur during recontainment. Hearing requested for Mr. Noaqiyeum and staff.
Item: SCP-061
Tissue Test Record:
Rejected by the O5.
Termination Test Record:
SCP-682 was exposed to SCP-061. SCP-682 enters relaxed state. Command "lie down" given, slow response. Command "roll onto your back" given, partial response. Command "stand up" given, SCP-682 rapidly stands up, and breaches containment. SCP-682 ignores commands, causes relaxation in nearby humans. SCP-682 consumes several staff members, then is recontained. SCP-682 loses "Sonic Stun" adaptation after two weeks. Study ongoing on integration of SCP-061 into SCP-682's biology.
Item: SCP-053
Tissue Test Record:
N/A, rejected by the O5.
Termination Test Record:
SCP-682 was introduced to SCP-053's area. SCP-682 was unaffected by 053's ability, SCP-053 became scared and hid behind a chair. SCP-682 rests head, 053 touches it before hiding again. SCP-053 pats 682's head, exhales when patted. SCP-053 hugs SCP-682's head, and SCP-682 remains docile. SCP-053 brings toys and crayons, and draws on SCP-682. Staff enters, SCP-682 kills 2, and injures 5. SCP-682 moved and contained separately. SCP-053 cries when SCP-682 was taken away.
Item: SCP-123
Tissue Test Record:
Tissue sample absorbed by the core.
Termination Test Record:
Test canceled. Review shows risks of SCP-682 controlling SCP-123. Proposal reconsidered if SCP-682 is completely immobilized without escape or adaptation possibility.
Item: SCP-173
Tissue Test Record:
N/A, rejected by the O5.
Termination Test Record:
SCP-682 was placed in SCP-173's containment area. SCP-682 lunges away from 173, staring at the statue for 6 hours. Agents shoot SCP-682's eyes, stop observing both SCPs, and causing 173 to attack. Later, SCP-682 appears injured around the neck and head, SCP-173 has SCP-682 tissue. SCP-682 heals, grows eyes with armored carapace. SCP-682 keeps watching SCP-173 for 12 more hours. SCP-682 escapes, recaptured later.
Item: Dr. Clef
Tissue Test Record:
Termination Test Record:
SCP-682 and Dr. Clef are introduced in the testing area. They stare at each other for three minutes. Dr. Clef tries to leave but the door is locked. Dr. Clef swears and attaches a device to the door. Dr. Clef keeps his eye on SCP-682 while 682 continues to stare. Dr. Clef detonates an explosive on the door, causing a containment breach. Dr. Clef activates emergency lockdown and declares partial containment. SCP-682 doesn't react. Dr. Clef goes to observation center.
Item: High-altitude impact
Tissue Test Record:
Denied by the O5.
Termination Test Record:
Denied by the O5. I mean, seriously? Drop it out of an aircraft and let it fall? Yeah, you can see why this was denied.
Item: One human child
Tissue Test Record:
Termination Test Record:
Child began to scream and cry when SCP-682 was introduced into the cell. Child was immediately and messily devoured by SCP-682.
Item: One human child, drugged to cancel extreme emotional reaction
Tissue Test Record:
Termination Test Record:
Child stood and smiled, giggling at SCP-682 with no sign of fear. SCP-682 devoured the subject messily.
Item: Guest Researcher Dr. W
Tissue Test Record:
Termination Test Record:
Dr. W screamed in terror and pounded on the door to the test facility, begging to be let out. SCP-682 devoured it messily three minutes after being introduced. There was a note by Dr. Clef, saying that he had no sympathy for the sadistic Guest Researcher who fed children to 682.
Item: █████W ██████████ cutting laser
Tissue Test Record:
Tissue sample was successfully bisected 13 times before adopting a mirrored finish.
Termination Test Record:
SCP-682 was successfully split into two equal parts. The parts regenerated and showed changes, including bioluminescent organs. After a while, both parts collapsed and appeared lifeless. Attempts to cut them again failed. D-class personnel entered the room and something [DATA EXPUNGED]. The test chamber was breached, resulting in casualties and destruction. Only one SCP-682 remained, while the other was apparently absorbed. The loss of one specimen is unlikely, and searches have been stopped.
Item: 60 MT thermonuclear bomb
Tissue Test Record:
Termination Test Record:
Denied by the O5.
I mean, it's a nuke, and if 682 survives and adapts we'd be fucked.
Item: SCP-662
Tissue Test Record:
Termination Test Record:
SCP-662 (Mr. Deeds) asked if he can destroy SCP-682 permanently, but he says he can't. When asked if he can kill SCP-682, he still can't. However, Mr. Deeds mentions that he can incapacitate SCP-682 for a limited time. He suggests sacrificing himself to distract the creature, or engaging it in combat with various traps and harmful substances. He warns that any damage inflicted would be temporary due to SCP-682's regenerative abilities. Mr. Deeds is thanked and sent away.
Item: SCP-689
Tissue Test Record:
Rejected by the O5.
Termination Test Record:
SCP-682 was exposed to SCP-689. Lights go off for 5 minutes. Lights switched back on, SCP-689 unmoved. SCP-682 is in some liquid, with no signs of life. D-Class sent to check termination, with 2 agents. SCP-682 suddenly attacks D-Class, breaches containment, and kills an agent. The remaining agent was accidentally killed by SCP-689.
There was a note suggesting that SCP-682 may not be alive or immune to SCP-689. It knew about SCP-689 and tricked us to escape.
Item: SCP-738
Tissue Test Record:
Termination Test Record:
Researcher sits in SCP-738-2 and asks to destroy SCP-682 while keeping everything else intact. Entity in the form of Test 203 says it's too expensive for the Foundation and the researcher personally. No further response.
Item: SCP-743
Tissue Test Record:
Consumed without incident
Termination Test Record:
SCP-743 is placed near SCP-682 in testing chamber. SCP-743 initially ignored by SCP-682. After a few minutes, SCP-743 started flowing, catching SCP-682's attention. SCP-682 cautiously approached and drank the liquid from SCP-743. SCP-682 continued drinking for a while, even did some unknown things. SCP-743 stopped flowing and started feeding. An ant swarm attacked SCP-682, covering it completely. SCP-682 remained still.
After some time, SCP-682's mouth transformed, resembling a long, sticky tongue like that of an anteater. It used its tongue to consume ants from its body. SCP-682 and SCP-743 continued feeding on each other for several hours until the test ended. SCP-682 showed faster regeneration for several days afterward, and the adapted tongue remained for a few days.
There was a note by Dr. Lambert suggesting that SCP-743 treated SCP-682 as organic, but it's inconclusive. More important is whether SCP-682's enhanced regeneration was influenced by consuming SCP-743's liquid. If confirmed, SCP-743 and SCP-682 must be kept apart.
Item: SCP-807
Tissue Test Record:
Termination Test Record:
A concoction called the "682 special" (rotten meat, bone splinters, rancid mayonnaise, potassium cyanide, and morphine hydrochloride) was introduced to SCP-682 using SCP-807.
SCP-682 consumed the "special" and demanded more loudly. After nine minutes, SCP-682 collapsed.
Observation continued for forty-five minutes, during which SCP-682 remained motionless. Two D-Class personnel in protective suits entered the room to confirm SCP-682's termination, carrying additional "specials" in case distraction was needed.
The "specials" were placed in front of SCP-682's head. In response, SCP-682 weakly gnawed on one of them, indicating signs of life.
Believing SCP-682 to be harmless, the D-Class personnel touched it. Suddenly, SCP-682's skin ruptured at multiple points, releasing highly pressurized blood in all directions. The blood breached the protective suits, contaminating the personnel.
Unidentified events occurred to the D-Class personnel; by the time SCP-682 finished consuming the second "special," its skin had healed, and both personnel had died. SCP-682 proceeded to consume the third "special" with the same speed and enthusiasm as before.